They often provide body massages along with additional services at least in some cases. If you want to see what happens in Chinese massage parlors with your own eyes you should check out the many massage parlor videos at Prostitute Movies.Ĭhinese massage parlors can be found in almost every major city in the United States and sometimes even in suburbs and rural areas. While this post will tell you how Chinese massage parlors work in full detail it will not illustrate what goes down in pictures or videos. Those places which have come to be known as “Chinese massage parlors” in circles with an interest in Asian massage parlors are the places I am examining in this post.
On the other hand there are some Chinese owned and staffed places that offer more than just massages to customers. Obviously there are massage parlors with Chinese names, staff or owners that do not offer anything other than body rubs. I am not describing every massage parlor with a Chinese name or Chinese people on staff.
When I say Chinese massage parlor I am talking about a particular kind of place.